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Oracle on AWS

Move Your Oracle Databases to the AWS Cloud

Organizations are eager to take advantage of the cost savings and efficiency of cloud infrastructure and platform services. A key challenge is moving core enterprise applications from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. Whether serving as an organization’s main database platform, middleware engine, or ERP and CRM backbone, Oracle is an integral part of enterprise applications. Meanwhile, AWS offers the most mature and enterprise-grade set of services to support core organizational workloads while increasing efficiency and maximizing cost savings.

TekStream’s Oracle on AWS Services

TekStream Solutions’ certified team of expert consultants have led over 250 on-premise and cloud- based AWS and Oracle implementations. TekStream’s in-depth knowledge of the Oracle eco-system, our architecting and expertise in the AWS platform, and our close partnerships with both companies, allow us to guide organizations on how to migrate a database to AWS effectively. This process helps organizations run their Oracle workloads and applications on the best-in-class AWS cloud services.

From technical architecture to Oracle software and licensing expertise to knowledge of how to improve cost efficiency while using cloud resources, TekStream helps organizations develop their cloud strategies and align their business needs and current Oracle investments with the AWS cloud tools.

The biggest challenge most organizations face when defining and implementing their cloud strategies is a lack of knowledge of how to maximize cloud technology. Oracle workloads on AWS can include a combination of multiple approaches depending on each application’s needs. TekStream has the experience and expertise to work with your stakeholders and technical owners to define a path that makes sense for your company.

TekStream Oracle License Assessment Calculator

Let Us Help With Oracle Migration

Customization and Flexibility 

At TekStream, we offer top-notch Oracle migration services, customized to align with each customer’s unique strategy. Whether you need Oracle migration to AWS services or OCI database migration, we collaborate closely with our clients to develop plans that meet your specific requirements. 

Security and Compliance 

Security and compliance are paramount in any cloud database migration. We employ industry-leading technologies to ensure data security. Additionally, our strict adherence to regulatory frameworks such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS guarantees full compliance, providing peace of mind to enterprises relying on us for their Oracle cloud data migration needs.

Performance Optimization 

In today’s competitive landscape, optimal performance is crucial. Our Oracle cloud migration services focus on this from start to finish. We use advanced tools and techniques to pinpoint bottlenecks and inefficiencies, then implement customized optimization strategies—from database configuration tuning to architectural enhancements—ensuring seamless operation in the new environment.

Expertise and Support

The Oracle migration journey can be daunting. However, with our team of Oracle-certified experts at your disposal, you’ll receive the necessary guidance and support at every stage—from initial planning and assessment through to execution and post-migration. Our team’s extensive experience and commitment to excellence guarantee a smooth and successful Oracle database migration from on-premises to the AWS cloud.

Our Oracle Migration Process

Initial Consultation and Assessment

To migrate an Oracle database to AWS, we initiate the process with a thorough consultation to understand the customer’s business requirements, current Oracle environment, and migration goals. We conduct comprehensive assessments to identify challenges, risks, and opportunities, developing a customized migration strategy.

Oracle on AWS Cost Savings Calculator

Receive a customized Oracle License Assessment estimate report based on your answers to this survey. Our proprietary actuarial data gives insight into the value, timing and savings you can achieve with this program. Get Started Here

Migration Planning

Based on our findings, we collaborate with you to create a detailed migration plan that outlines timelines, milestones, resource requirements, and success criteria. This ensures all parties are aligned and prepared for the migration steps ahead.

Architecture Design

We design a scalable and resilient architecture on AWS, ensuring it meets your performance, availability, and security requirements. By leveraging AWS best practices, TekStream optimizes resource utilization, minimizes costs, and maximizes the benefits of the Oracle cloud infrastructure. 

Data Migration

TekStream executes the migration plan, transferring Oracle databases, applications, and associated data to AWS with proven methods and tools. We prioritize data integrity and minimal downtime to ensure a seamless transition, enabling customers to completely leverage AWS capabilities while maintaining business continuity.

Quality Assurance

Throughout the migration process, TekStream conducts rigorous testing and quality assurance to verify the functionality, performance, and security of the migrated Oracle workloads on AWS. This includes comprehensive application testing, data integrity checks, and performance tuning to ensure optimal efficiency and reliability.

Post-Migration Support and Optimization

After migration, TekStream provides ongoing support services to help customers fully benefit from their Oracle migration. This includes monitoring, troubleshooting, performance tuning, and offering optimization recommendations to ensure that Oracle workloads on AWS continue to meet business requirements and deliver superior performance and scalability.

Watch the video below and learn how you can take control of your Oracle Licensing

Oracle Applications on EC2

TekStream’s insights and knowledge of Oracle and AWS best practices will enable your organization to take full advantage of the AWS cloud elasticity model by combining AWS autoscaling groups, Oracle Dynamic Clusters, and AWS server shape resizing, matching the capacity of your Oracle systems with your variable user and processing demands.

Utilize TekStream pre-packaged AWS templates to speed up the deployment of Oracle systems, with “push-button” provisioning of enterprise-ready and highly available implementations of Fusion middleware applications based on Oracle’s Enterprise Deployment Guidelines.

Oracle Database Implementations on EC2

Maximize the infrastructure benefits of the cloud while maintaining full control over your DB systems,
features, and architecture. Deploy your Oracle databases just as you would on-premises, but
complement them with the cost savings of cloud elasticity and the integration of additional AWS
services (S3, SQS, Glacier, and others) to enhance your current processes and maximize your cost

Oracle Database Implementations “As-A-Service”

Move your Oracle databases to the cloud while freeing up your internal resources by automating time-
consuming tasks such as provisioning, patching, and backups. TekStream will help you find the
appropriate sizing and architecture for each of your application’s needs and leverage the proper AWS service whether it’s Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) – AWS’ fully, managed database service with support for Oracle as well as other commercial database platforms or cloud-native AWS database solutions such as Aurora, Redshift and DynamoDB.

Retooling: Oracle to AWS Services

Evaluate each of your application’s needs and reduce your licensing and vendor dependencies by migrating some or all of your Oracle RDBMS systems to new alternatives in the AWS platform, such as Aurora, Redshift, and DynamoDB.

Oracle to AWS Migration Resources

If you have additional questions about migrating your on-prem Oracle database to the cloud, check out the eBooks below. Learn more about key considerations, potential challenges, and pros and cons of taking your database to the cloud. 

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